From FLL to MIA

During our last few days at Yacht Haven, John gave the RV a good wash (by hand, a 4-day process), and we went to Butterfly World, which may sound boring, but was actually pretty and pretty fun.  The tour only took about an hour, but we learned so much, and got a few nice shots.




On Fri Nov 30, we checked in at Larry & Penny Thompson Campground It’s built on a former avocado farm, and is just great!  Long, flat bike paths, and built-in exercise equipment on the walking trail – with a scary warning!



One morning we chatted with Jim, who’s been RV’ing for 30 years!  He knew so much, and shared stories from his days with the Coast Guard. His stories were fascinating, and his wife is still on the move at 90!  We’ll see if Jim’s suggestion for the best milkshake in Florida holds true! (Added later:  I think it did!)

Next up is Everglades park, and while John researched, he’s sharing a great recommendation for lap desk/ lap warmer!


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